Life is different for those who are at the top. Find out how you too can become no. 1 at anything you desire with Yogesh Chabria!
The top performers in every field have an unfair advantage. They earn much more for the same amount of time invested. They get the best opportunities and are able to dictate terms.
So top movie stars like Shah Rukh Khan earn thousands times more than other actors who are not on the top. It is the same with top authors who earn much more than the others. It’s the same with top sportspeople like a Virat Kohli. Even in business, top CEOs earn much more than the rest of the people in the company. The modern world is designed to reward those on the top much more than those who are simply mediocre. This is the fact of life.
Even I as a motivational speaker am among the highest paid, because I am on the top. My belief is anyone with the right strategies and action can become #1 at what they desire. I speak from experience.
Here are powerful sure shot strategies that have been used by everyone on the top and can be used by you too!
1. Believe You Are The Best
People on the top believed they were the best, before anyone else did. I believed I’m the greatest and the best even before anyone else did. Right from Muhammad Ali to Priyanka Chopra – everyone on the top has had this inner belief. Only once you start believing in your own abilities will the world start seeing them.
2. Act Like You Are The Best
Don’t just believe you are no. 1 – start acting like you are no. 1 too. This means make sure whatever work you do or task you undertake, you do it with complete dedication and passion. Make sure you give it the best. People who are the best don’t compromise on their goals and targets. They don’t settle for anything less. They don’t accept less than what they deserve. Actions are what determine your future.
3. Work and Associate Only With The Best
People on the top, associate and work only with others who are the best. The best cricketers will play only with others who are of their own level and not with anyone who is less than the. The best actors work only with other top directors and producers. Don’t associate or surround yourself with people who are not the best. For example I love working with others who are leaders in their own field. So right from my publishers, that is CNBC-TV18 to my columns that appear on the best platforms like Business World to even my SEO team of Bee Online – everything I want is the best. I don’t settle for anything else. Without the best team you can’t become no. 1!
4. Have Laser Sharp Focus
Without laser sharp focus you can’t become no. 1. If you want something, make sure you forget everything else and only focus on what you want and take massive action towards achieving it. The best movie stars, CEOs, cricketers all focused on their own individual areas and worked with passion. Shah Rukh Khan didn’t go for cricket practice, nor did Virat Kohli work in TV serials. Select your path and work with focus and dedication – never deviate from it.
5. Never Ever Give Up
To be no. 1 and the best, you have to sweat it out. You have to fight against all odds. You have to become so strong that every challenge you are faced with is crushed by your will power, stamina, determination and persistence. I faced massive rejection in every area of my life, but I fought because I knew my ultimate goal was on the top.
People on the top didn’t reach there by walking on a bed of roses. They fought like crazy.
Will you take action and become no. 1? I’m sure deep down you have the potential and power!